
Hay (How are you?)


Basic Structure

The application is structured into two main features / sections. 1. A community feed 2. An inner circles


The community part has a feed with posts which can be created by every user anonimously. Every other user can reply with a comment and discuss the post with the creator and other users.

Inner Circles

In the inner circles part users can create groups with other users. Every group has a daily question which needs to be answered in order to access the chat of a group. The chat is used to discuss the answers for daily questions and also go deeper on any topic in a safe space only shared with members of the group.

This content is a preview from an external site.

Event finished

29.10.2023 16:00

fix: disable button while creating new circles (@InnigerM)

Fix answer emotion (@yveswehrli)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@yveswehrli)

Chage Answer Emotion Enum (@yveswehrli)

Background question fix (@leonden)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@mereditsommer)

load members dynamically (@mereditsommer)

fix: remove unnecessary console.log (@InnigerM)

Chnage pagination timestamp (@yveswehrli)

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (@CyrilKymYE)

implemented link to group settings (@CyrilKymYE)

Update README.md (@yveswehrli)

deployment fix (@CyrilKymYE)

feat: add session tokens to database (@InnigerM)

fix: update daily question to a real value (@InnigerM)

Merge pull request #7 from baselhack-hay/feature/group-settings

add GroupSettings.vue (@samuellupica)

add GroupSettings.vue (@samuellupica)

revert resafe tryout (@InnigerM)

debug: resave cookie (@InnigerM)

Update main.ts (@yveswehrli)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@yveswehrli)

Test cokkie config (@yveswehrli)

Merge pull request #6 from baselhack-hay/feature/chat

Feature/chat (@CyrilKymYE)

getanswers (@CyrilKymYE)

Make usernmae unique (@yveswehrli)

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/chat (@CyrilKymYE)

chat implemented (@CyrilKymYE)

Add debug logs (@yveswehrli)

fix: image issues (@InnigerM)

resolve merge conflict (@mereditsommer)

add error messages for emotion select (@mereditsommer)

fix: only load posts if no other request is pending (@InnigerM)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@yveswehrli)

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/chat (@CyrilKymYE)

basic chat implemented (@CyrilKymYE)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@leonden)

Adjust font (@leonden)

feat: add proxy dev and prod environments (@InnigerM)

basic chat implemented (@CyrilKymYE)

add links instead of push router (@mereditsommer)

feat: add proxy to CORS config (@InnigerM)

delete top level vercel.json (@InnigerM)

feat: add standalone proxy (@InnigerM)

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/baselhack-hay/monorepo into develop (@yveswehrli)

Add comment count to post pagination (@yveswehrli)

update header with circle name (@mereditsommer)

get answers and post answer (@mereditsommer)

Post page comments etc. (@leonden)

Event started

28.10.2023 09:00
BaselHack 2023